
Cloudflare publishes Third Annual Impact Report

Report details key milestones in protecting vulnerable groups online, shielding critical infrastructure sectors like education, and encouraging development of secure and accessible AI

Cloudflare, Inc. (NYSE: NET), the leading connectivity cloud company, today published its third annual Impact Report. This year, the company expanded its impact with programs to shield vulnerable groups from sophisticated cyberattacks, help secure US K-12 school districts with free Zero Trust cyber security solutions, improve access to responsible artificial intelligence, and encourage emissions reductions with cloud-based services.

“In the last year, our world experienced great change, conflict, and challenges across the globe. During that time, our team has reported on rising Internet shutdowns and increasingly sophisticated attacks against vulnerable groups, while helping organizations navigate complex issues like developing responsible AI and improving their sustainability practices,” said Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. “It’s a reminder that our mission to help build a better, more open, and interconnected Internet is as critical as ever.”

Key milestones highlighted in Cloudflare’s 2023 Impact Report include:

  • Protected 2,400 vulnerable Internet properties from an average of 67.7 million cyber threats per day: Humanitarian organizations, artistic groups, and the voices of political dissent often face sophisticated cyber attacks from powerful and entrenched opponents, yet operate with limited resources. In collaboration with 50+ civil society partners, Cloudflare’s Project Galileo protects public interest groups–at no cost–from attacks intended to silence them online.
  • Shielded K-12 school districts from sophisticated online attacks, for free: Every day, schools face cyber attacks that can slow Internet access, threaten leaks of confidential student data, and hinder their ability to teach children in a secure online space. In August 2023, Cloudflare launched Project Cybersafe School at the White House’s Back to School Safely: K-12 Cybersecurity Summit. Through this program, Cloudflare provides Zero Trust cyber security solutions to help minimize exposure to harmful online content and common cyber threats such as phishing and credential harvesting–for free and with no time limit.
  • Democratized access to responsible AI with the most complete platform for inference at scale: As the use of AI expands, Cloudflare is focused on helping businesses create powerful, responsible AI applications. With its Workers AI platform, Cloudflare gives developers the tools to build more affordable, open, and secure AI applications. The company is also making it easier to build controls and privacy features by default to support responsible AI development.
  • Helped companies reduce their IT infrastructure’s carbon footprint by up to 96%: In 2023, Cloudflare continued its efforts to help build a more sustainable Internet by helping companies move their network and security IT infrastructure to the cloud. An independent study found that migrating from on-premises hardware to Cloudflare’s cloud-based services can reduce related carbon emissions by up to 96%.
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