Reynolds and Reynolds Announces New version of its Successful XtreamService Enhanced Lead Sourcing

New XtreamService version enables dealers to manage and tailor the tool to deliver the best lead sources among potential customers
Reynolds and Reynolds Announces New version of its Successful XtreamService Enhanced Lead Sourcing

The Reynolds and Reynolds Company announced today the rollout of a new version of XtreamService. XtreamService generates highly qualified leads through an advanced predictive analytics engine using consumer behaviors, equity analysis, and demographic data. The proven software behind XtreamService utilizes statistical modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to anticipate likely buyer behavior and delivers highly accurate sales recommendations for dealerships.

The new version of the software focuses on maximizing dealer autonomy while providing new collaboration options with multiple lead sourcing tools.

“Xtream has been delivering results for dealerships for over a decade, typically as a managed service that delivers lead information to dealerships daily,” said Jon Strawsburg, vice president of product planning for Reynolds and Reynolds. “As automotive retailing becomes more sophisticated, we want to offer dealers the option to tailor and manage XtreamService within their dealership to best complement their operations and business goals.

“With this new version, that’s exactly what we’ve delivered: dealers now have the power to create campaigns, analyze reporting, and adjust parameters themselves,” he added.

In addition to enabling dealers to manage XtreamService campaigns hands-on, the lead generation software works as one with Reynolds Contact Management, a comprehensive, web-based customer relationship management (CRM) system, and DigiSales, the mobile application from Reynolds for Contact Management that enables quick sales staff access to customer information, vehicle inventory, and more.

“Thanks to the complete collaboration with Contact Management and DigiSales, Xtream can distribute leads directly to specific salespeople and then also alert them to the new lead, create specific lead follow-up schedules, provide access to a mobile lead sheet, and more,” said Strawsburg. “For a service focused on generating qualified, actionable leads for dealers, this expansion of those leads represents a significant upgrade, and one that answers a dealership need, as automotive retailing continues to evolve.”

About Reynolds
Reynolds and Reynolds is a leading provider of automobile dealership software, services, and forms to help dealerships deliver better business results and transform the customer experience. The company is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, with major operations in Houston and College Station, Texas, and Celina, Ohio.


SOURCE The Reynolds and Reynolds Company

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